Usage Tracker Team #3

Laszlo Hollander
Philip Henderson
Stephen Mah
William Chau

Description of the Component

Operations Supported by the Component

  1. Add an Operation to the Usage Tracker
  2. Add an Occurrence to the Usage Tracker
  3. Reset the tracking of operation occurrences
    • By Operation Name
    • By Program Name
  4. Report on the occurrence of operations
    • By Operation Name, reporting the frequency of invocations by user and by program
    • By User, reporting the operations invoked by programs and by time periods
    • By Time, reporting the operations invoked by program
  5. Output a graph of frequency of operations by program

Usage Warnings

Usage Restrictions

Logical Data Storage Convention

Occurrences are stored in a record in a text file containing the following information:

( Operation, User Name, Program Name, Location, Date/Time of Occurrence )

Physical Data Storage Convention

<Operation 1>
<Operation 2>
<Operation 20>
<Operation 1>
<User Name of Occurrence 1 of Operation 1>
<Program Name of Occurrence 1 of Operation 1>
<Location of User of Occurrence 1 of Operation 1>
<Date and Time of Occurrence 1 of Operation 1>
<Operation 1>
<User Name of Occurrence N of Operation 1>
<Program Name of Occurrence N of Operation 1>
<Location of User of Occurrence N of Operation 1>
<Date and Time of Occurrence of N Operation 1>
<Operation 20>
<User Name of Occurrence 1 of Operation 20>
<Program Name of Occurrence 1 of Operation 20>
<Location of User of Occurrence 1 of Operation 20>
<Date and Time of Occurrence 1 of Operation 20>
<Operation 20>
<User Name of Occurrence N of Operation 20>
<Program Name of Occurrence N of Operation 20>
<Location of User of Occurrence N of Operation 20>
<Date and Time of Occurrence of N Operation 20>

Sample log file

WORD 2.0
03.Aug.1995 05:30
WORD 2.0
03.Aug.1995 20:00

Formatting Conventions

Dates are in the format dd.MMM.yyyy hh:mm
    eg) 03.Aug.1995 05:30 where time is in 24 hour format.

String data can either be upper or lower case.

Graphing Conventions

Graphs are output to an html file..

Reporting Conventions

Reports are output to a text file.

*Special Features*