The Distributed Database System


Known bugs:

The only known bug within this system is the fact that whenever an object or class is registered with the name server, there is no checking to see if an object with the same name has already been registered under the same name context. In the case that one object is registered with the same name as an existing object, the previous object will be overwritten with the new object.

Sample Output
Please see the sample output provided below:

Output from NameServer Machine Output from DBServer Machine TestRPC machine output
bowen<3> java NameServer/NameServer ns 1
IPC.Server started
## NameServer.NameServer: Registered class NameContext.NameContext with comHandle: (, 48308, 1 )
## NameServer.NameServer: found local name context.

Finished Registering Class, Joining server now...

## RPC.ServerRequest: received message.
Method: getRootContext
Response Type: NameServer.NameContext
## RPC.ServerRequest: handleRequest complete. Returning response message.

## RPC.ServerRequest: received message.
Method: getRootContext
Response Type: NameServer.NameContext
## RPC.ServerRequest: handleRequest complete. Returning response message.

## RPC.ServerRequest: received message.
Method: lookup
Response Type: NameServer.NameContext
## RPC.ServerRequest: handleRequest complete. Returning response message.

## RPC.ServerRequest: received message.
Method: lookup
Response Type: IPC.ComHandle
## RPC.ServerRequest: handleRequest complete. Returning response message.

## RPC.ServerRequest: received message.
Method: addContext
Response Type: NameServer.NameContext
## RPC.ServerRequest: handleRequest complete. Returning response message.

## RPC.ServerRequest: received message.
Method: add
Response Type: null
## RPC.ServerRequest: handleRequest complete. Returning response message.

DBServer registers its classes

TestRPC registers its server

TestRPC registers its classes

TestRPC gets the Database object



Gambier<2> java DB/DBServer ns dbs db 1
## DB.DBServer: starting the local server.
IPC.Server started
## RPC.ClientProxy: read ComHandle (, 48308, 1 ) from file.
## RPC.ClientProxy: sending request

## RPC.ClientProxy: received response of type NameServer.NameContextCP

## DB.DBServer: getting the root name context
## RPC.ClientProxy: sending request

## RPC.ClientProxy: received response of type NameServer.NameContextCP

## DB.DBServer: binding name context client proxy
## RPC.ClientProxy: sending request

## RPC.ClientProxy: received response of type NameServer.NameContextCP

## RPC.ClientProxy: sending request

## RPC.ClientProxy: received response of type IPC.ComHandle

## DB.DBServer: creating local name context
## RPC.ClientProxy: sending request

## RPC.ClientProxy: received response of type NameServer.NameContextCP

## DB.DBServer: registering classes
## RPC.ClientProxy: sending request

## RPC.ClientProxy: received response of type null

registered DB.Cell

register Database, Index, Node, and Table clases

## DB.DBServer: waiting for requests...

## RPC.ServerRequest: received message.
Method: addNewTable
Response Type: DB.Table
## RPC.ClientProxy: sending request
## RPC.ClientProxy: received response of type null
## RPC.ServerRequest: handleRequest complete. Returning response message.

## RPC.ServerRequest: received message.
Method: addNewCell
## DB.Table: adding new cell2
Response Type: DB.Cell
## RPC.ClientProxy: sending request
## RPC.ClientProxy: received response of type null
## RPC.ServerRequest: handleRequest complete. Returning response message.

TestRPC adds another new cell

## RPC.ServerRequest: received message.
Method: addCell
## RPC.ClientProxy: sending request

## RPC.ClientProxy: received response of type java.lang.String
## RPC.ClientProxy: sending request

## RPC.ServerRequest: received message.
Method: getPrev
Response Type: null
## RPC.ServerRequest: handleRequest complete. Returning response message.




























prevost<2> java DB/Test/TestRPC ns testc dbs db 1 c

## DB.Test.TestRPC: starting the local server
start up and register the server
## DB.Test.TestRPC: registering classes
register the DB classes
## DB.Test.TestRPC: looking up database object
get the Database object

## DB.Test.TestRPC: performing test
## RPC.ClientProxy: sending request

## RPC.ClientProxy: received response of type DB.TableCP

## RPC.ClientProxy: sending request

## RPC.ClientProxy: received response of type DB.CellCP

TestRPC adds another new cell

## RPC.ClientProxy: sending request

## RPC.ServerRequest: received message.
Method: getName
Response Type: java.lang.String
## RPC.ServerRequest: handleRequest complete. Returning response message.
## RPC.ServerRequest: received message.
Method: linkBefore
## RPC.ClientProxy: sending request

## RPC.ClientProxy: received response of type null




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